
  • Prevalence of T2DM is on the rise in Pakistan and is currently reported at 26.0%
  • Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) – 14.6%
  • With a population of > 207 million, the number of people thus affected is staggering.
  • Facilities for comprehensive care are rudimentary.
  • DM affects all systems and requires a Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) approach for management.
  • Requires life-long engagement both ways.
  • There is a huge unmet need for the diagnosis and ongoing care of patients with Diabates and various Endocrine disorders.


  • Provide comprehensive care for patients with Diabetes, Endocrine & Metabolic disorders in continu.
  • MDT approach to achieve these objectives.
  • Generate local data about Diabetes & Endocrine disorders.
  • Training of doctors, nurses, diabetes educators and nutritionists.
  • Actively engage in research in all facets of its function.
  • Public health education.


MIDEM trainees will be competent professionals, who have research acumen, good communication and teaching skills. They will be able to engage in training the future generation of Endocrinologists and other allied Professionals. The Institute will actively engage in public health interventions for prevention and mitigation of those Metabolic & Endocrine diseases that are amenable to such mediation.

Endocrine & Diabetes Faculty

Prof. Tasnim Ahsan

MRCP (UK), FRCP (Glasg), FRCP (Edin), FRCP (Lon), FCPS (Pak)

Endocrinologist – Internist – Educator


Dr Aisha Sheikh

MBBS, FCPS (Pak-Med)

Fellowship in Diabetes,

Endocrinology & Metabolism (AKUH)

PG Dip Endocrinology (Glamorgan, UK)

PG Dip Diab (Cardiff, UK)

Dr Tamseela Ahmed Murtaza

MBBS, FCPS (Pak-Med)

Fellowship in Diabetes,

Endocrinology & Metabolism (AKUH)

PG Dip Endocrinology, Glamorgan, (UK)

Dr Saima Ghaus Qureshi


Dr Erum Sohail

MBBS , FCPS (Pak-Med)

Dr Wasfa Aijaz

MBBS , FCPS (Pak-Med)

Dr Bharta Rani

MBBS , FCPS (Pak-Med), MRCP (UK)