Medicell Healthcare Services provide ethical healthcare delivery in various disciplines of Medicine, Surgery, Orthopaedic, Paediatrics and Gynaecology & Obstetrics by highly qualified and experienced Consultants and General Physicians in the Medicell Clinics. In-patient services are provided at Orthopaedic & Medical Institute (OMI) and Medicell Maternity Centre.

Specialty Clinics, Laboratory Services, Community Pharmacy
and Educational Services based in Karachi, Pakistan.

of life have found answers at Medicell.
About us.............

Specialty Clinics, Laboratory Services, Community Pharmacy
and Educational Services based in Karachi, Pakistan.

of life have found answers at Medicell.
About us………..
Medicell Multi-Specialty Clinic ranks amongst the best health care facilities in Karachi. It provides a select range of medical specialties under one roof, thus making it possible for patients to receive quality care and treatment with ease and convenience. Be it, Internal Medicine, Paediatrics and Neonatology, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, General Surgery or Orthopaedics, our specialists provide state of the art, ethical and professional care to patients. In-patient services are provided at OMI and New Beginings (Maternity Center).

The staff at Medicell comprises a team of highly qualified professionals.
- Dermatology
- Urology
- Podiatry
- Radiology
- Nephrology
- Oncology
- Rhinology
- Sports Medicine
- Rheumatology
- Pulmonology
- Neurology
- Endocrinology

Medical Services
Our healthcare professionals are dedicated to providing the best possible care for patients.
Check Ups
Regular checkups to maintain good health.
24/7 Emergency
Emergency care at affiliated hospitals.
Healthcare Professionals
Highly qualified professionals, serving diligently for decades.
Medical Advice
Skilled consultants always available to guide for healthy living.
Advances in Medical Care
Always staying up to date with medical advances.
Patient Care
Our helpful staff offers personalized care.
Our healthcare professionals are dedicated to providing the best possible care for patients.
Highly skilled doctors certified by acclaimed medical instituitions around the globe.
Our healthcare professionals are dedicated to providing the best possible care for patients.